[NRVR-Members] Need Help Planning for the BFSL (July 20-21)

Thomas Tweeks Weeks tom at theweeks.org
Sun Jun 30 22:55:18 CDT 2019

Hey all..
So Bob and I have been knocking out a few of our to-do items to prepare for our "Big Fine Summer Launch".  I have finally paid the taxes, title and registration done on the trailer (custom plates on their way!), Bob is getting a final trailer logo quote for us, we're printing various things for the launch between us, ironing out the parking and field layout.. etc, but there's still 1-2 dozen other things that need doing that we could use a hand with for anyone who's available to assist. Things like helping us (and Adrien) prioritize our spend priorities (trailer graphics vs hats vs  shirts, bumper stickers, etc).. working with local fire department, printing HP and LP flyer cards, printing flyer lanyards, some RSO documentation and volunteer signups, someone to run registration & "store", oversee HP flight line parking, vendor parking/needs, etc.
We had mentioned having a couple of planning meetings to facilitate folks wanting to help out.. so this is it. It's go time.  
We're looking at probably two dinner planning meetings.  One this week, and one more the week of the launch.   These planning meeting usually work best as a dinner meeting (members only, but wives are not excluded if that's better for you).
For the FIRST Planning Meeting (this week), here's the nights I can be there (T, W, Th, Fri nights)..
This Week - [ https://doodle.com/poll/zfembusx7vwihqvb ]( https://doodle.com/poll/zfembusx7vwihqvb ) 
Please pick all nights that COULD work for you, and only exclude those which are a hard no. (there's a maybe, or "only if" option too).
For the SECOND Planning Meeting (week of the launch), I think we're looking at Mon-Thur, since that Friday is the motor mixing workshop (on the to-dos):
Week of BFSL -  [ https://doodle.com/poll/bsqv8dk8b95k976k ]( https://doodle.com/poll/bsqv8dk8b95k976k ) 
If interested, willing and able.. please sign up ASAP so we can tie up all these loose ends. 
Once you sign up, we'll send you the full list of the to-dos and you can pick out whatever you think you can best assist with.
Thanks all!
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