[NRVR-Members] Ready for the Saturday Launch?

Weeks, Thomas "Tweeks" t.weeks at vt.edu
Thu Jul 20 00:58:10 EDT 2023

It's that time again! Time to fly!

The launch is live on the website & calendar<http://nrvr.org/>..  As usual, we would greatly appreciate any help with setup and breakdown, RSO, LCO, and pad managers.  HP flight fees are $10.. $5 for members.. another $5off for helpers (so helping members fly free 🙂

I know Adrian and a couple others had some projects to fly. It will be good seeing some of you.

As usual.. if you have a high-risk flight, a flight expected to hit 2k or higher (ceiling is 2500 last I heard from Bob.. maybe 3000').. or a student or new member, then please fill out and send in a data collection form:


And send it to Bob and I<mailto:tweeks-homework at theweeks.org,bob.schoner at gmail.com>.

Other launch details listed here: (click on the event)

I asked Bob to jump in and share any additional Kentland safety issues.



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